I am wondering if the problem could lay with the parking brake. I have included photos. It could be just that the bands are not connected or something shifted to cause the problem.
Thanks Mark for this. I gather you are somewhere in Canada. I am in Ontario.
Regarding your solution, it took me a bit to figure out exactly what you were saying. That is a clever way to deal with the issue. I eventually found a wrench that was bent at the end that let me get the nut off but I really like your idea. I think I will do the same. Thanks again.
Well today my grandson came by to give me extra hands to attach the lining. I didn’t realize how tough it would be to drive a hole through kevlar. The punch we had just didn’t cut it. I had no problem with the cotton. We decided to put it on hold and get a better punch. So off to the hardware for a better punch.
Just a thank you to those who gave advice dealing with getting the bands back in the transmission. Everything has been back together for a while and the car has been put away for the winter. Looking forward to spring.
That is great! Glad you got it togather.