A carburetor conundrum

My fuel leak is from the carburetor—this T hasn’t been started up in 30 years, so could a stuck valve needle be the problem?
If it is, how should I proceed? Should I order a new needle? A new float maybe?
Or should I send it in for a rebuild?
It looks like a Holley NH, but I can’t find a data plate to confirm.
Maybe if I take the carb off I can find the data plate?

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You might find a data plate after removing the carb. If you have a service manual, it explains how to check the seat. Once you have the carb off, take the bowl off and see how dirty things are. There may be some crud in the seat. Turn the carb upside down so that the float is on the top, then blow in to the fuel port. If you can blow through, then definitely check the needle and seat. You can also shake the float and listen for gas slopping around inside. If you hear that then look for a spot where gas could be leaking out. If you find one, try and shake out as much as you can, then let it sit for several days to allow what’s left of the gas to evaporate, then solder it shut and test by submerging in liquid and look for bubbles. Also check that the float height is correct. Look at paragraphs 885 and 886

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Thank you! I’ll get on this ASAP.

Welcome. Hope it helps.

I pulled the carb off and found the data plate. She’s a Kingston L4

Great. Now you can order parts if necessary.

Just my opinion, but you might be happier with a Holley NH. A friend of mine had all sorts of troubles until he finally replaced hs Kingston with a Holley. Rebuilt NH’s are usually available for under $200 US.

I received a message from the shop.
My poor Kingston L4 has been shade tree modified beyond anything I can comprehend, so it’s a good thing I didn’t try to DIY since I’m pretty certain the rebuild instructions would make no sense (to me.)
Also the float was toast, which probably explains the gas leaking.

Your Kingston carburetor is probably best for starting and running a T. NH carburetors have a slight edge when they are wide open but you won’t notice much difference otherwise. Every part is available for a Kingston or an NH other than the main body. At one time you could even get a reproduction main body for an NH - not sure if that is still true.

Thanks, that’s good to know!