The flat side pieces on my 1915 tourer have separated from where they join the tank. I’d like to see solder them back, but don’t want to discolor the brass. They were like this when I purchased the car.
I would have an experienced solder guy do this job. You want to clean the parts very well first , which would involve grinding all the old solder off. Then use flux before soldering the parts back together. Finally it will be necessary to polish the brass until most of the solder is gone but leaving enough so that the joint will be strong. A difficult job even for an expert.
Truer words were never spoken.
I had a fella many years ago, repair my 16 and it has been good ever since! Need to find an experienced person. Easier said then done iI know.
Just to add to the later comments; before I replaced an earlier radiator on my '14, I had a local musical instrument repair shop re-solder the lower front radiator trim. Cleaned it first as suggested above. He asked me to bring it by on a Saturday and let me wait for the repair. The shop repaired brass instruments and offered to remove a slight ding in my horn. May be a possible source for a cosmetic repair on horns and carbide generators as well if they aren’t too loaded up with high school instrument work. I’m just suggesting your local “musical instrument repair shops” as I haven’t been by this shop by me in many years.