I have the new radiator installed, the hose clamps tightened and the sundry bolts and nuts looking good. All that’s left, I thought was to turn the little tabs that hold the headlight wiring snug so they’ll clear the radiator fan.
Not so. My radiator sits tilted, so that if I position a fan blade at 12 o’clock I have 1 inch clearance between the leading edge of the blade and the surface of the radiator, but if I position the fan blade at 6 o’clock, I measure 1/2" of clearance, which isn’t enough to clear the headlight cable and the metal tab.
There must be a way to adjust the radiator position on the frame, but how?
The two castle nuts and bolts that come up from the frame don’t look like they’re repositionable.
Does anyone here have a suggestion about what I’m doing wrong? Or how to adjust/reposition either the radiator or fan?
To reposition the fan you need either shorter or longer belts. The radiator is adjustable only for the length of the hood. I don’t think there is any other adjustment.
How much clearance should there be between the fan and the radiator?
I may be able to reroute the wiring to the passenger side headlamp.
I’ll have to check the wiring diagrams to see how Henry did this.
I think round an inch is typical between the fan and the top tank of the radiator. It is not close.
I’ve been thinking about this all night.
If I can route the cable lower down on the radiator, I should have the clearance necessary, I think I can do this by bending the keeper tabs down and foreword.
We’ll see.
Have a splendid Thanksgiving!
I straightened the keeper tabs out and bent them down, holding the cable away from the fan blades. The fan blades don’t scrape now, so I’ll call it good and fill the radiator. Fingers crossed!
The inlet casting is cracked at onethe bolt holes, which probably explains the leakage when i filled her with water. Back to the drawing board!
I did check out the carb when I was futzing around with her today. She has a Holley. Now to see where the fuel leak is coming from while I wait for the new inlet casting.—the gas tank, the fuel line, or the Holley?