Gas leak, float stuck?

I think the float in my gas reservoir is not closing. I have gas coming out choke. 27 Dr. Coupe. Float looks good. Maybe valve for float bad. Replace float and valve? Other ideas? Also won’t start.

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Welcome to the forum! Can you post a picture of your carb setup? Are you running the stock vaporizer, or has it been replaced with a Holley NH or some other carb? If you have the carb off, please post a picture of the float position with the bowl removed and the carb turned upside down so that we can see what the float level is when the needle is on its seat.

Sorry it took so lomg to respond. I was away from car. I have an evaporator. Also still learning navigation in fotum.

Here is photo, I think.

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Another photo

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Yes, you have the original vaporizer setup and it sounds like you have already removed the float bowl and looked at the float. If you haven’t already, lightly raise the float by hand to see how high it has to go before the fuel needle seats. Hopefully the top of the float will be parallel to the casting that the float bowl fits onto. If it has to rise further than that to get the needle to seat, try carefully bending the float pivot arm so that the needle is seated with the float in a lower position, this will lower the gas level in the bowl.

If you decide that the float level is correct and that the fault is with the needle and seat, the vendors sell replacements. Let us know how it goes!

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Thanks for great advice!! Will try it Monday