I’ve often wondered what those little holes were for!
My pop’s T had lacing on the radiator shell (which I replaced) but nothing on the cowl end other than the holes where lacing might have been attached.
I’ve spent so much time buying parts over the past year that it was inevitable that I’d come across the missing part, so now I’m trying to figure out the best way to install it.
The split rivets are pretty straight forward, but do I punch holes for them (and what kind of tool gives the best results) or will they push though the webbing on their own? They don’t appear sharp enough to do any self tapping
Then there’s the question of where to start riveting the lacing? I’m assuming I should start at the apex of the cowl and work down either side like when I installed the radiator shell lacing. Finally, what’s the best type of pliers to use to spread the flat rivets?
Thanks for any advice!