Unclear of what model or year

Hello, I’m new here.
During a cleaning of a friends property I came across several T and possibly A parts, one such thing was an model T frame.
The frame is an oddity to me due to all the photos I’ve looked up this frame only has the mounting holes for one step brace, and its in the rear location as should be. There are no mounting holes in the normal forward location for a front step brace.
Is there anyone who may have an idea what I’m dealing with on year or model?
Thank you for any help.

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Here are some photo’s if they help.

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Hope these will help, I’m just trying to get an idea what year this frame is so I know which direction to go with it.
Frame so far looks good, no bends or damage found so far.

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On my Model T frame, the rivet hole for the front step brace is 47-3/4 inches from the front of the frame.
I hope this helps

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It was very helpful, thank you.
I was trying to find mounting holes for the step brace that is on the frame right now. This style is one piece that goes under the frame with two braces to the top of the frame.
I was able to find rivet holes in both areas, two with broken rivets still in the holes.
I found no numbers anywhere on the frame, so I still need to figure out a year.

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Do you have the old rear axle? The differential housings and backing plates
can provide clues Clymer Publications Model T Ford Restoration Handbook
the red book, has illustrations.

Sadly no I don’t have the rear axle, only found two axles and they look to be Model A axles.

The two rivet holes on your parking brake quadrant on one end mean the frame is before 1924. The channel mounting the running boards means your frame is at least 1921 because Ford used a forging prior to that. So your frame is somewhere between 1921 and 1923 - prior to serial numbers stamped in the frame by several years.